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Submit a collection claim

You are dealing with an invoice that has not been paid. In the meantime, you yourself have taken the necessary actions to collect the outstanding amount. We are happy to assist you in collecting your outstanding invoices.

Are you already a customer of ours?

Not yet a customer?

Is your customer a private individual?

Then you are legally obliged to first send a WIK reminder.

The content of this reminder is strict. Therefore, please use our sample letters and our WIK calculator.

What Our Clients Say


Dierenkliniek Vechtdal , Heemserveen

"Quick and careful. Contact is very good."

ASN Installaties , Dokkum

"Good communication between Bos Incasso and our company. We are kept well informed of the progress of a case."

Thuis in Horen , Almere

"You are taken care of. Customers are approached consistently, clearly and in a solution-oriented way. But friendly."

Vos industriele lakverwerking BV , Vorden

"Clear information about the handling cases."

Van Aken Hekwerk BV , Smilde

"Good service, quick response!"

Wijkom Bouw & Infra , Medemblik

"Clear communication and a good result."

VW Campercentrum , Amersfoort

"The correct way of working appeals to us. Including the consultation on files and the good dealings with our debtors."

KOK Kinderopvang , Katwijk

"We have not been a customer of Bos Incasso for very long. We haven't gone through and completed a whole file yet, but so far it's working so nicely. We are kept very well informed about the ongoing cases. When there are questions we are helped very well. Very very positive!"

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