
Thank you for helping us!

Every day we are improving our website. In everything we do it's our goal to make the website as simple and clear as possible. Tips and suggestions are therefore always welcome!

Thank you for your feedback! Your opinion is valuable to us.

Contact us

Would you like to contact us? Then we offer the possibility to chat with us, call or email. You can also view your file(s) online.

Opening hours

Monday to Friday:

09:00 - 12:30 hrs
13:00 - 16:30 hrs

Visiting address

Van Elmptstraat 16-8
9723 ZL Groningen

Google Map directions

Postal address

Postbus 11138
9700 CC Groningen

General information

Email address: info@bosincasso.nl
Chamber of Commerce number: 02095537 0000
VAT number: NL 8170.78.708.B01

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