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Reporting fraud

Laatste melding

Last notification | November 2022

Fraudsters are currently sending messages in the name of Bos Incasso about an order for seizure, among other things. The name Bos Incasso is both unlawfully and unjustly mentioned in the message. We therefore ask you to remove the message and/or report fraud.

So-called phishing messages are regularly sent out on behalf of Bos Incasso. Below are a number of tips and advice on how to recognise phishing:

  • Always check the IBAN account number before transferring the amount. In case of phishing messages, you will often be asked to transfer the amount to a private and/or foreign account;
  • Who is the sender of the invoice? Check whether you have been in contact with Bos Incasso before and whether you still owe an amount;
  • Please check the e-mail address from which the e-mail was sent. E-mails from Bos Incasso always end on @bosincasso.nl.
  • Pay attention to the language and layout of the message. Many fraud messages contain typing errors, translation errors or spelling mistakes. Threatening and unusual language is also often used.
  •  To whom is the invoice addressed? A phishing message often uses a general salutation and the invoice is not addressed to a person;
  • Is there a telephone number on the invoice? Do not call this number. Internet criminals may in some cases be able to access personal data or ensure that you receive a high telephone bill.
  • We do not use sms, WhatsApp, Snapchat or Facebook Messenger;
  • Did you pay by accident? Then we advise you to report this to the police as soon as possible and report the fraud to your bank.

Received a Phishing email?

IBAN bankaccount numbers of Bos Incasso

We make use of Stichting Beheer Derdengelden and use the following IBAN account numbers:

  • NL67 ABNA 0243 055 455
  • NL52 INGB 0003 133 930
  • NL50 RABO 0385 118 643
  • NL90 INGB 0653 473 044
    (Bos Credit Management)

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