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Every day we are improving our website. In everything we do it's our goal to make the website as simple and clear as possible. Tips and suggestions are therefore always welcome!

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Privacy policy

Since May 25, 2018, the General Data Protection Regulation (AVG) applies. This means that from that date, the same privacy legislation will apply throughout the European Union (EU).

View our privacy policyReadSpeaker

Data Protection Officer

We have appointed a Data Protection Officer within our organization. For questions and comments relating to the AVG, please contact mr. H. van der Velde.

Address: Van Elmptstraat 16-8, 9723 ZL Groningen
Phonenumber: +31 050 – 369 33 08
E-mail address: fg@bosincasso.nl

We use cookies to optimise the user-friendliness of our website and services. We use these cookies for functionalities, analytical data and marketing purposes. You can find more information in our privacy statement.