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Debt Collection Costs Act

Do you have a claim against a private individual? Then you are obliged to send a reminder that meets the requirements of the Debt Collection Costs Act.

Do you have a claim on a company? If so, the Dutch Debt Collection Costs Act does not apply and there are no legal requirements with which your reminder must comply.

Our advice

The text of this letter of formal notice is strict. If it is not well defined, the collection costs may be rejected in any proceedings. Therefore, please use our sample letters and calculator.

Wik calculator

Download our example letters for free

Fill out the form below to receive the example letters by e-mail.

WIK calculator

Are you liable for VAT yourself?
Only note the collection costs in your reminder.

Are you not liable for VAT yourself?
In your reminder, write down the collection costs and VAT separately.

Enter your invoice amount:

 Yes  No

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